Corporate Blog

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Are you interested in the latest developments in drive technology? On the maxon blog, our experts report in detail on their work, new maxon products, and experiences from exciting collaborations.


maxon’s hub for drive technology. Whether it’s selecting important components for system solutions, or tackling industry-specific engineering problems. Find the answers in our blog.

  • Wave power technology in test for power generation breakthrough

    Wave power could enable buoy arrays to generate electrical power for seaborne applications. Waveforce Energy is about to begin tests, the first of their kind, that could enable wave energy farms to be used in any maritime location around the world. Comprising a specially designed turbine and mathematical modelling that optimises yield and efficiency, Waveforce Energy has partnered with maxon to achieve power generation through brushed DC motor technology.  
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  • Expert blog

    Driving drone flight: the future of drones and their propulsion systems

    Although legislation currently holds back widespread commercial deployment of drones, trials are showing the potential for cargo delivery, as well as applications such as inspection and security. Key to achieving flight safety, as well as power efficiency, are drone propulsion systems. maxon’s engineering expert for aerospace applications, Andrew Gibson, discusses the status of the drone market and the future requirements for drone propulsion systems. 
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  • ColaborAction_Fotoshooting-7versatile control modules

    Flexible communication within a mechatronic system

    maxon develops and produces multi-axis control modules for precise positioning and synchronization of drives. These can be quickly integrated into existing systems. We discussed this and other advantages with Fabian Vogel, Managing Director at zub.  
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  • Robots enhance upper limb therapy for patients with neurological conditions

    Robotics has the potential to provide therapy to people with neurological disorders, assisting clinicians and potentially improving the care outcome. Human Robotix, a start-up formed by a team of academic researchers, has developed a robot that can provide assessment and therapy of the wrist, elbow, and ankle. Early results suggest a positive response for people with conditions such as stroke and cerebral palsy. To provide the robot’s drive system, Human Robotix has partnered with maxon.    
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  • Roboter_Experte_webmaxon Story

    “Artificial intelligence is still in its infancy”

    Felix Herger talks about three theses on the subject rescue robots and artificial intelligence.
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  • New Content Item (1)

    The growth of modular robots and the importance of drive train design

    For lightweight robots, modular designs are increasingly popular thanks to the flexible deployment they enable for specialised tasks. This is also enhancing the potential for system integrators and end users to develop their own robots. As part of an in-house robot build, optimising the design of the drive train that powers and controls each robot joint is vital to the robot’s performance. The most effective way of achieving this is by developing the drive train as a complete module, and this approach can also improve the efficiency of robot development overall.    
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  • HPSC_sensorlessExpert blog

    Sensorless control of brushless motors

    Many applications would benefit from a brushless motor without a sensor. There are various options for realizing this. A method developed by maxon is now setting new standards for precision and reliability.
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  • EC4pole30_cuttedExpert blog

    Delta vs Y Winding Arrangements.

    Although, the winding arrangement does not play a pivotal role in one’s motor selection, it is valuable information to be aware of.
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  • maxon_website_engineers_searching_mechatronic_driveStory

    6 ways the new maxon website enhances your experience

    Complexity is not a foreign concept for maxon, but rather part of our daily business. And because our commitment to quality, precision, and the best service also applies to our website, we continuously optimize user-friendliness. In this story, you will read how we proceeded in the development of the new website.
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