Highest standards of integrity and fair play.
Quality comes first in everything we do across the entire maxon Group. This not only applies to our products, but also means that we act ethically, honestly, and in compliance with the law in all areas of our business.
Working together for ethics & compliance
At maxon, every employee is responsible for compliance with our business standards. We therefore encourage all employees, as well as all other people who have a business relationship with the maxon Group, to report suspected misconduct, to raise concerns or issues relating to compliance, and to express their opinions openly. For us, this is an integral part of a positive corporate culture. Anyone who demonstrates integrity by addressing an issue or violation can be confident that they will not face any repercussions.
Supplier Code of Conduct
Quality along the entire supply chain.
We expect our suppliers to work in accordance with our high quality standards and to comply with all legal, internal, and internationally recognized quality and safety standards. We have developed successful relationships with many suppliers built on trust over decades. Our Code of Conduct forms the basis for ecological, social, and ethical conduct along our entire supply chain, from the raw material to the finished drive system that leaves our production line.
Reporting an incident.
Reports help to prevent violations at an early stage and limit damage to our company, our employees, and our business partners.
If you have concrete evidence that our standards are not being met and/or you observe conduct that violates the principles of our Code of Conduct, our internal regulations, or laws, we ask you to share this information with us via our anonymous external system and in this way actively support resolution.
The opportunity to submit reports is available to all employees of the maxon Group, but also to customers, suppliers, and other third parties.
The system is available in various languages and offers confidential dialog protected by encryption. Please refer to our privacy policy before using the system.

Frequently asked questions
Does maxon have a company-wide procedure?
Yes, maxon has a company-wide, transparent, public, standardized complaints and reporting procedure. All complaints and reports from employees or third parties are treated equally – to the extent permitted by law.
What can I report?
Any suspicion of an actual or possible violation of laws or internal regulations – including human rights and environmental risks or obligations. The suspicion can be directed against individual maxon employees or in connection with a maxon company or a supplier to maxon.
Please only submit complaints or reports if you are confident that they are correct.Who will handle my complaint or report?
maxon’s internal investigating body. This is the company’s central reporting office. It receives all complaints and reports – regardless of how they were submitted. The reporting office reports directly to the Chief Compliance Officer, who has access to the Management Board and Board of Directors of maxon international ag. The employees of the reporting office are impartial, trained specialists and are subject to a special obligation of confidentiality. The company will contact you to clarify any questions. We will discuss your complaint with you. Of course, this is only possible if we can contact you.
Will my identity be kept confidential?
Yes. All complaints and reports will, of course, be treated confidentially and can also be submitted without giving your name. At maxon, treating your concerns confidentially is very important to us and we will protect you as the reporter. Confidential information may only be disclosed where necessary and legally permissible. Our managers are also obliged to confidentially forward any reports they receive to our reporting office.
What happens to my complaint or report once it has been reviewed?
It depends on the case. As soon as the complaint or report has been reviewed, the reporting office can forward the matter to another responsible department in the company for processing and clarification of the matter or to a responsible authority. The reporting office can also process the complaint or report itself. During the investigation process, the reporting office looks at all relevant documents, speaks to witnesses and those affected, and – if necessary – analyzes electronic data. At the end of the investigation, the results are summarized in a report and sent to the internal departments that need this information. The possible results of the investigation include recommendations for disciplinary measures (such as dismissal, warning, transfer) or other remedial measures, for example in risk management or other internal processes.
Where we are able and legally permitted to do so, we will inform you about the action taken within three months – even if the investigation has not yet been completed by then.