Drive systems for measuring and testing technology

Unrivaled measuring performance.

maxon drives work reliably in many fields of measuring technology. From high-precision measurements in the semiconductor and surface technology industries to construction site and landscape surveying in rainy, snowy and cold conditions - we find an ideal solution for every measuring application.


Weltweit führende Antriebstechnik.

Absolut exakte Messungen durch automatische Prüfgeräte werden für die Wissenschaft, das Bauwesen, aber beispielsweise auch für die Qualitätssicherung in der Industrie immer wichtiger. maxon Antriebe übernehmen weltweit bei vielen Marktführer wichtige Funktionen in der Messtechnik.  


Hohe Lebensdauer

Geringe Baugrösse

Hohe Leistungsdichte




Auf den Mikrometer genau.

In der Mess- und Prüftechnik müssen Antriebe Bewegungen häufig auf den Mikrometer genau ausführen. Außerdem müssen Messgeräte heute in der Lage sein, lange Reihe von Tests automatisch und reproduzierbar durchzuführen. maxon Motoren mit Positioniersteuerungen übernehmen diese Aufgaben absolut zuverlässig in: 





Total Stationen


Robert Höll

General & Technical Manager


“The drives from maxon need to be very precise. After all, they need to move the slide with micrometer precision. We cannot afford any compromises here. Our accuracy is now far superior to that required by the standard.”

Corporate Blog

Success stories

Drive solutions from maxon meet the high requirements of measuring and testing technology for accuracy, precise motion sequences, and reproducibility in numerous applications.
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Versatrax 100 Pipe Inspection Crawlermaxon Story

These robots crawl into every nook and cranny

It started as a project by two engineers who were close to retirement. Today, the modular inspection robots by Canadian company Inuktun are successfully in use all over the world – defying even the most adverse conditions.
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1_ipek_supervisionmaxon Story

Pipe inspection with top power density.

Imagine the drain is clogged and not a single drop is flowing down any more. A common problem – the cause can be hidden in the far corners of a sewage system. This is where inspection robots come into play to hunt for the cause. Motors by maxon motor provide the robotic vehicles with a precision drive, among others uses. 
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2022 Parvalux equipement de manutention2maxon Story

Material handling equipment

If your business involves manufacturing, warehousing, or distribution, material handling is probably a task you perform every day. The smooth running of any warehouse or factory operation depends on raw, component, and finished materials being processed efficiently and safely. Getting this right can help a business gain a real competitive advantage.
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What challenges are you facing?

Our measuring and testing technology experts will be happy to help you.